Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Trip Down Memory Lane

As it's always fun to surf YouTube for various videos, I managed to stumble across this oldie but a goodie: Toronto Police Pipe Band at the Alma Highland Games in 2001.
This was the year that James P. and I joined the band...Jamie as a piper and myself as a tenor drummer to fulfill the life long dream of playing in the MIDDLE of the circle! Needless to say, it only lasted a season but this contest was particularly memorable. The first contest of the season actually and the band was lacking a bass drummer. Dave Fenton, a drummer in the snare line (now with the 78th Frasers) jumped in and WOW! Being a great drummer plus an accomplished bass guitar player, he had a lot to contribute. The music, lift and passion that came out of that fella that day was spectacular.

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