Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To End the Season....

Last weekend = Labour Day = Pleasanton Highland Games....James W. headed off to sunny California to judge in probably the most pleasant place to pipes and drums. Many thanks to the organizers of a wonderful games that is by far the most diverse and colorful in the piping circle.
The weekend before, right after we returned from Scotland, James P. ventured to the High River Highland Games in Alberta. More thanks to the organizers of that games for great hospitality.
Now we are into September, which proves to be a quieter month for us all. The Greater Victoria Police Pipe Band is back into weekly practices in preparation for a road trip at the end of the month. The band is heading off to Leavenworth, Washington, to participate in the Autumn Leaf Festival. An interesting town with Bavarian influence - this will be an unforgettable trip!
On a sadder note, we wish to extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Scott MacAulay. The Director and Chief Executive Officer of the College of Piping & Celtic Performing Arts in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Scott was a prominent figure in the piping community and will be sorely missed.

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