Friday, May 16, 2008

The season begins...

In preparation for the Victoria Highland Games as well as the Victoria Day Parade, the local pipe bands marched down the street last Saturday advertising the upcoming events. Ending at the Parliament Buildings, bands played, cabers were tossed and dancers flinged. Along with the newspaper coverage (James W. on the far right leading the Greater Victoria Police Pipe Band), Gordie Tupper from Chek News came over on Wednesday to interview James W. and James P.....again, ending with Gordie trying to play pipes.

While James W. was parading, James P. was in Hamilton, Ontario competing at the 29th William Livingstone Memorial Invitational. He placed 3rd in the MSR and HJ, playing John MacColl's March to Kilbowie Cottage, Susan MacLeod, The Smith of Chillichassie, The Henningham Reunion and Caber Feidh. Simon McKerrell of Glasgow won the overall. The judges were Reay MacKay, Robert Wallace and Bob Worrall.
Check out the rest of the results at:

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